Fareham Men’s Shed

Recently we have been seeing quite a lot of our Fareham Men’s Shed as since they offered to help with little jobs around the Centre, the list has seemed to start growing bigger and bigger. 

After their extremely successful shed building exercise on a windy day in March, we managed to compile a list of urgent and not so urgent tasks. One of the not so urgent was to give our rather sad looking Raffle Tombola Drum a facelift. 

Chris from The Men’s Shed offered to take it back so the guys could give it a lick of paint, but our suggestion was to maybe add a bit of colour as white seemed to be a bit too subtle and we wanted it to stand out from the crowd. 

We were utterly delighted when he returned with it this week! Instead of being chipped, stained, and missing a dowel it was spinning beautifully and painted brightly with bold stripes. 

Thank you, Chris and his fabulous team, at The Fareham Men’s Shed, your continued support is so gratefully received and we are definitely looking forward to seeing you every third Thursday in the month going forward with more important jobs.

Fareham Men’s Shed Home Page (farehammensshed.org.uk)

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