Conductive Education

Conductive Education (CE) is central to the work of the Rainbow Centre. If you haven’t come across CE before then you have come to the right place to find out a little bit more. It may just change someone’s life.

We use a system of learning called Conductive Education (CE) which is a form of specialised neuro-rehabilitation for adults with neurological conditions and disabilities. As the name suggests it is an educational approach which aims to help adults learn how to overcome problems of movement as a way of enabling them to live more independent and active lives.

The successful practice of CE relies on specialised professionals called ‘conductors’. The conductors undertake a four year, full-time degree course and are fully trained in the following modules: neurology, disability, physiology, psychology, education, teaching, rehabilitation and motor learning. These specialists are trained to plan programmes, observe movements and help people learn how to increase their level of ability. Rehabilitation aims are agreed and set with clients enabling them to direct their own learning.

Group work is an essential element of Conductive Education. The group sessions are usually arranged so that people with the same condition attend together thus enabling us to offer a programme specifically devised for that condition and people to work alongside others who share similar experiences. The groups are small – a maximum of five people.

For more information please contact us

Call: 01329 289 500

Please browse through our short video below to see how CE works and makes a real difference to people’s lives.


Moving and Handling in Conductive Education

Professional Conductors Association code of practice

Professional Standards for Conductors